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My week in summary (and about 15 pictures lol)!

Hello there,

I always find it strange addressing my blog to the never-never, and I wonder if anyone reads them but its good for SEO and helps me get down what I learned and cement it so heres to talking to yourself online! Woot Woot.

Each week on a Friday will be update day, that is when you will read all about my adventures in photo land and what I got up to during the week. Lucky you, or not, you could stop reading ;-)

Jokes aside though, this has been a busy week, and the strange part is that I haven't done any shoots aside from snapping a few shots when I drop my husband to the train station in the morning or pick him up from Uni in the evening so I had some content on my page each day (which evidently works as I am getting reach around 1800 people in spite of my 106 likes!).

Lots of bookings flowing in the door, I have been trying to keep my events section updated so people looking for time can see when I am unavailable but even that is proving hard, I have turned away about 4 bookings as I couldn't accommodate them! So cray. I had another 2 weddings book me this week along with a family shoot and this is since putting my rate up!

I got invited to attend and shoot the Backstage for the fashion show for 400 co and to the after party to shoot them which is also exciting and I got extended an invite to attend the EnviroPlan awards night! Not to mention my current negotiations with the Jacaranda Festival which hopefully will see me photographing there for coin.

Aside from that I have been trying to pump out the 2500 old edits on the Physical Culture comp I shot Saturday (which you can read about here if your interested in moving subjects in low light conditions. So glad I offered to shoot it as it really was a veritable font of learning that I wont soon forget. Super valuable.

The other big edits I have done this week have been off the back of the Hana shoot and they are coming along rather nicely, full airbrushing has kept me busy but again so much learning to be had and a great result is coming out of them. Lots of youtube tutorials being watched at Brown-House.

I also learned a cool little feature of my camera namely the light monitor, who knew that the little LED had an indicator designed to help you get your exposure on fleek. #ilovenikon #alwaysremindedhowmuchIdontknow

I watch out!

I did have a sad face moment this week. I brought some cheap filters from Hong Kong thinking ‘how different can they be’ .... yeah rookie error. They are different. You see the real ones have a metal rim, one that isnt soft and easily gets stuck......

My CPL got stuck on the front of my Long lens and I ended up having to play camera doctor in the hope that I did not totally root my lens and be up for another one before my wedding on the weekend. Crisis averted and lesson learned. #rookieerror

Anyhoo, I did get in some solid night time photography (pretty much one of my favourite kinds hands down) and I was rather pleased with the resulting images. Turns out the practice was well timed as I am now doing a nighttime photo shoot for my engaged couple which I CAN NOT WAIT TO DO!

I caught me some plane action over the hood #Goodna #4300district:

Some light painting at UQ St.Lucia:

... and a bit of off kilter city scape.... My excuse is mainly that I was literally photographing on a 35/40 degree angle - the road was crazy steep even the old Kluger struggled there on Swan Road:

This is off swan road at taringa, I reckon an awesome vantage point for River fire:

One more for good measure.... I discovered gradients in photoshop... yeah boiiiiiiii.....

In terms of what I managed to get during the day light hours, most of it was taken from the front seat of my car as I had the kids with me, these Kangaroos from down at Wacol were pretty cool, how good are native animals #prettybloodycool #ianswermyownquestions:

Snagged some creek-age down at the inlet off the Brisbane river into Woogaroo creek and at Goodna Creek:

A bridge... everyone loves a good bridge:

A couple fences as I got my Bokeh down:

....and even a couple of horses being rad:

It was pretty good really for on the fly subjects. In terms of portraiture, not much on that front this week although my baby let me have a crack the cute little moppet she is:

Lots of billing and accounts, I updated my website and post production basically took up the rest of my week, I am getting better at it though, and as I get better at the art of shooting manual I am needing to edit fewer and fewer photos so it saves time. I worked out that you can save your edit settings in photo shop which made my heart happy and my processing quicker.

On that note I am off to pick my husband up and get fish and chips so I shall leave you with this one, probably my fav for the week.

Jaana :-)

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